I love, love, love this girl.
Who new she would rock my world for the better.
She is my first born!
Here are just a few things I adore...
** Her eyes! They are the color of water with a stripe of brown to keep her grounded.
** Her smile is kind and full of fun.
** Her dance moves! I love that she thinks the robot is cool!
** Her style! When did she wake up Japanese? I wish I could wear all my faves together and pull it off!
** The way she takes care of her brother. There is nothing better for me than to spy her giving him a hug and making him feel important.
** Her eagerness to help around the house. Right now it's called being a good helper in a few years it will be called chores. But she has fun so I won't spoil it for her.
** She loves to ride bikes or take walks with the whole family.
** Her desire to say the prayer. She has food prayer down pat and is moving on to family prayer. Only she likes to combine the two so when we are really hungry Declan says it!
These are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head. She is my favorite little gal who has no idea how much better she makes her two parents.
The other Chloe (that's what we call her) totally rocks. Maybe because her mom totally rocks!!!
Amanda says Chloe is cool cuz she has the same middle name as her...and Morghan - how funny is that?
I agree with it all!!! Chloe is awesome and Camryn thinks so too!!!
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